Sunday, July 4, 2010

How to customize login control with JQuery?

Hi Readers,
Thank you for stopping by.Today i will show you how to customize login control with
jquery library.
Here are prerequisites:

-you need an editor like notepad ++ or visual studio 2005/2008/2010 page
-you jquery lib and ui lib at you need both jquery.js and jquery ui downloads).

At the end of this you should have something like this:

Here the steps:

You need to reference jquery js file within the head section like this:

Pay attention because 11 files needed to referenced.Do not forget these two too Snippet
jquery.ui.all.css  and Snippet demos.css.

Step2: let`s do javascript using jquery prototype.All the explanations are on the

Step3 : asp form.
The first trick is you have to make sure that
tag is there if you want to use aspx not js.
The second trick is if you want to use js only make sure form tag is just after body not like on the image:

When you the html file you should see the login control ready to be used.I hope this trick helps.
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